Monday, January 6, 2014

1. What kind of men do Huck and Jim find on the steamboat? Why are the men there?
To ransack the wreckage and kill the person who keeps threatening to tattle tale on their whole operation

2. What is the name of the boat Huck and Jim land on?  Why is this funny?
The boat was called Walter Scott, which is funny because it is the name of a novelist whose works were romantic, unlike Twain's works. Twain was mocking the novelist by making him named after a sinking ship. Twain jokingly blamed Scott's romantic writings for the development of the southern character.

3. Discuss the difference between "real" adventures and Tom's adventures?
Tom's adventures were often elaborate and made up. Real adventures were more life-threatening and dangerous and not quite as fun as Tom's were.

4. What is the plan once they reach Cairo?
Sell the raft and hop on a steamboat heading further into the north

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