Thursday, December 12, 2013

Huck Finn Chapters 1-4 Questions

1. Describe the Widow Douglas.  How does Huck respond to the Moses story?  What does this tell the reader about Huck's character?  (Moses will be a motif in this book)
Widow Douglas is a kind woman who has pretty much adopted Huckleberry Finn, allowing him to live in her house. She prayed a lot, be in before meals or in closets. She brought up Huck like the Pharos’s Daughter did for Moses. Huck Finn was interested in the story of Moses until he found out the man had been dead for a long time. This shows that Huck believed only people living in the present were worth his time, and didn’t honor the past, so to speak.

2. Discuss superstition as a motif.  Provide examples.
People in that time were very superstitious, especially Huck Finn. He took as many precautions again evil as possible, trying to save himself from bad luck every few pages. It's his way of making sense of the world. Twain is using it to show how closely related superstition and religion are.
Killing the spider and trying to ward away witches
Huckleberry Finn throwing salt over his shoulder

3. Discuss Huck's view of death and the afterlife.  Death is mentioned frequently in chapter 1.  Why?
Huckleberry Finn realized there was a good place (heaven) and a bad place (hell) after you died. Huck asked if Tom would go to the good place or the bad place. Because he was lead to believe Tom would go to hell, Huck said he would rather go there because he’d want to be with Tom Sawyer. Chapter 1 is the introductory chapter to show Huck’s preoccupation with death due to his scarring childhood.

4. Comment on the trick Tom and Huck play on Jim.
Tom took Jim’s hat off of his head and hung it on a tree limb above his head, making the slave think he had been kidnapped by witches and returned alive. They don't respect Jim as much as they would if he was a white man. They would have done it to one of their friends.

5. "Jim was most ruined for a servant..."  Discuss the significance of this quote.
This shows how into witches and the devil the people of this time were, and how Jim got stuck-up because he had dealt with supernatural beings and lived to tell his tale.

6. Considering the themes listing in the objectives, comment on Tom's decision to leave 5 cents for the candles.  Do you think Huck would have done the same thing?   Why or why not?
I don’t think Huck would leave 5 cents because he doesn’t have the common sense to do something of that nature. He grew up needing to just survive, and puts himself first. He doesn't understand what money is worth. I think he’d focus more on obtaining the candles and escaping than leaving more than enough money for the candles to be replaced. I think Tom was being kind and leaving the extra bit of money was an apology for taking the candles.

7. Compare and Contrast Tom and Huck.
Tom is imaginative, lives with his aunt, lies a lot, reads,
Huck is slightly-educated, lives with Widow Douglas, previously homeless, honest, had to grow up faster, a bit slow
Both are mischievous, like pulling pranks on people,

8. Why does Tom think it important that the gang be considered "highwaymen" rather than burglars?
Because they will stop stages and carriages on the roads to kill the people, whereas burglars are less intense and don’t sound as exciting.

9. Discuss Huck's conflict over Miss Watson's view of prayer.
Miss Watson had told him he could get anything he wanted through prayer. He followed her instructions, but he began questioning why everyone didn’t get what they wanted/needed through their use of prayer.

10. Why does Tom Sawyer call Huck a "numskull"?
Because Huck suggests they kill magicians.

11. Comment: "I reckoned he believed in the A-rabs and the elephants, but as for me I think different.  It had all the marks of a Sunday school."
In this, Huck is speaking of Tom’s vivid imagination. Tom is known for his lies and over exaggerations, but sometimes believes what he dreams up.

12. Why does Huck want to give all the money to Judge Thatcher?

His dad would take the money.

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