Monday, January 27, 2014

Huck Finn Episodes 5/6/7 summary

Episode 5: The Feud (Chapters 17-18)
-Huck washes up on shore
-Huck adopts the name “George Jackson”
-Huck is basically adopted by the Sheperdsons
-The Sheperdsons and the enemy family the Grangerfords go to church together
-Sophia Grangerford asks Huck to grab her bible from the church
-Huck finds a not with “half-past two” written on it
-Hucks servant brings Huck to the swamp and says he wanted to show him some water-moccasins
-Huck finds Jim there
-Sophia ran off with Harney Shepherdson
-Buck is killed in a gunfight
Huck and Jim escape down the river on their still functional raft
Episode 6: Introduction to the Duke and King (Chapters 19-20)
-Jim and Huck pick up two men who are being chased
-The younger man claims he is a duke, whilst the older man says he is a king
-Huck knows the men are lying, but decides not to say anything because he doesn’t want to cause and quarrels
Huck lies about his family being dead and Jim being his slave
-They go to a religious revival meeting
-The king tells the crowd he is a former pirate and gets over 80 dollars in donations
-The duke prints up a leaflet about a reward for Jim’s capture as their cover story, so this allows them to travel during the day
Episode 7: Boggs, Sherburn, Circus, and The Royal Nonesuch(Chapters 21-23)
-The duke and the king work on their acting
-They murder the “To be, or not to be” soliloquy
-They land in a town in Arkansas
-A drunken man is killed for saying rude things about a man called Sherburn
-A mob forms and goes to the home of Sherburn
-Sherburn talks the men out of killing him by saying a real man would do it discreetly and at night
-Huck visits a circus and there’s a joke with a “drunk” man that he doesn’t understand
-No one shows up to see the Duck and the King’s play so they change it so it’s an adult show (no women or children)
-House is packed
-King is naked and wearing body paint
-Show is too short and the people in the crowd feel ripped off
-Crowd wants everyone in the town to feel ripped off
-Rinse and repeat
-Third night the townsfolk come again with things to throw at the preformers
-Preformers escape
-Jim tells Huck about beating his deaf daughter and how bad he feels

-Everyone cries

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